On the Koplienko Spectral Shift Function. I. Basics
We study the Koplienko Spectral Shift Function (KoSSF), which is distinct from the one of Krein (KrSSF). KoSSF is defined for pairs A, B with (A-B)\in \mathcal{I}_2, the Hilbert-Schmidt operators, while KrSSF is defined for pairs A, B with (A-B)\in \mathcal{I}_1, the trace class operators. We review various aspects of the construction of both KoSSF and KrSSF. Among our new results are: (i) that any positive Riemann integrable function of compact support occurs as a KoSSF; (ii) that there exist A, B with (A-B)\in \mathcal{I}_2, so \det_2((A-z)(B-z)^{-1}) does not have nontangential boundary values; (iii) an alternative definition of KoSSF in the unitary case; and (iv) a new proof of the invariance of the a.c. spectrum under \mathcal{I}_1-perturbations that uses the KrSSF.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A10, 81Q10, 34B27, 47A40, 81Uxx.